About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands

The teaching staff at Mt. Zion brings many years of experience to the task of providing each child with a balanced program of art, music, science, language development, and creative play, coupled with an age-appropriate curriculum.
We believe that we are in partnership with you in helping your child to develop a love of school and a desire to learn. We will work to provide opportunities for parents, teachers, and children to become a loving and mutually respectful community. We thank you for the trust you have placed in us by allowing your child to be a part of our program.
Because tours are limited at this time, please take a minute to view the video below to see "A Day in the Life at Mt. Zion Preschool". You can also find specific information about each age group under the Programs tab, and our staff by clicking the link to Teachers on the current page. Enjoy!